COVID-19, commonly known as coronavirus, is a disease that has flu-like symptoms. It can transmit through coughing, sneezing, and coming into contact with infected persons. Many death cases have been reported by different countries worldwide, and the cure to this pandemic is yet to be found. However, this should not be the main reason for communicating with other people worldwide and finding new friends.
Considering how the coronavirus disease have restricted movement and contact worldwide, this will be a great time to communicate with people worldwide and enjoy finding new friends without worrying about catching or spreading the virus.
How Is COVID-19 Spreading

First, the pandemic has drastically shifted the normal operations of businesses and other huge organizations, and this has decreased the sales in less than a week. Governing authorities in almost all countries have a rule in place where everyone is working from home, to reduce the rate at which the disease is spreading. However, this has affected the lives of many people, especially those people who rely on going to work on a weekly basis to provide for their families. Different areas of specializations require different skills and not everyone can do his or her work online, as some people need to be physically present at their area of work to provide manual input.
Coronavirus Cause and Effects

The coronavirus cause is confusing to most. Many countries have reported their first and more cases of the virus, Italy has had the worst experience with this virus. They ignored it at first and thought it was just flu. The number of infected persons keeps rising as days go by, and death rates have tripled since the discovery of the coronavirus.
The disease is not a joke anymore and no one knows if they are safe from the coronavirus. This is because you do not know when the signs and symptoms will start showing up. It might be earlier or later, and you might affect other people without knowing. This is why authorities are forcing everyone to self-quarantine and work from home. Stock markets are very unstable. In an effort to keep the economy from crashing, Australia and the United States have provided stimulus packages to its businesses and citizens.
Coronavirus Cure

Scientists and researchers discovered the cure for diseases such as Ebola. But the case is different with the coronavirus cure. This pandemic is slowly killing the world’s population and the numbers of people dying from the disease is much higher as compared to those who are survivors of the disease. No one has found the cure to coronavirus yet. Although Russia is claiming to have discovered one. But the world is scared that as time goes by the situation is going to worsen. However, some countries where the number of people affected with the virus is still low, people are panic buying and stocking toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and food to prepare for the worst that might happen.
Catfishing and Ghosting

Modern technology has experienced a sharp rise as many people have come up with innovative ideas, which have helped the technology industry to grow positively. “Ghosting” as many people call it, is whereby, the practice of ending a personal relationship with someone by suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication. “Catfishing” is when someone provides fake details and can even impersonate someone else, to get to know you at a deeper level. These acts have made so many people question another person or a stranger’s intention towards them. While online, you must always be careful. Stay alert. Be aware!
How to Communicate During Covid

The coronavirus has created a huge bridge between families and friends. No one can traveling back to his or her country is able to meet his friends and relatives immediately. These individuals have to self-quarantine for a period of two weeks. The health authorities will determine if the virus infected them.
The individuals in quarantine do not get the chance to see and even communicate with their loved ones. But there’s still some hope left. Social media gives you the chance to communicate with friends and family. One can also find new friends too. Covid is just one of the interesting topics they’re discussing on different social media platforms. You can even cheer your new friends up by sharing “love living quotes.”
Differentiating Between Flu and Covid

Many people are having a difficult time differentiating between the coronavirus and flu because they both have symptoms. There is so much information that we need regarding flu, the season it occurs, and the treatment. There is very little information that the public needs regarding the disease. Doctors are still trying to understand the coronavirus outbreak, its symptoms, and level of severity.
Patients with coronavirus symptoms have been reported to be coughing, sneezing, high fever and are experiencing difficulties in breathing. It is therefore important for an individual to get online access to coronavirus live updates. One has to know whatever changes have occurred. However, people who are in quarantine are not able to access televisions. They can not keep up with the current affairs of the world. You can talk to your friends via chat and let them inform you of the current situation in their countries.
Protect Yourself From Coronavirus

Coronavirus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. They can possibly be inhaled into the lungs as well. To protect yourself from the virus, please refer to the following list:
- Maintain at least 6 feet distance away from another person
- Wear a face mask and gloves if you are caring for someone who is sick
- Wear gloves in public places.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public place, blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, thoroughly use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as desks, phones, tablets, keyboards, tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, toilets, faucets, and sinks daily.
Prevent the Spread of Coronavirus

If you are sick, help prevent the spread of coronavirus by doing the following:
- Except to get medical care, stay at home
- Wear a facemask or cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Use the inside of your elbow.
- Throw the tissue away and immediately wash your hands with soap and water. Do this for at least 20 seconds or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- No shouting. This makes the virus travel further by air.
How Social Media Can Help
People living in Croatia are staying at home because of the COVID-19 disease. They heeded the authority’s requirements, stayed home, and stayed safe. Then suddenly, the earthquake struck their homes. It forced them to come out. Living inside is scary for them and staying out is not safe anymore. It is not easy for anyone to push through such a time in life. It will be good if they find consolation from friends. On different social media platforms, you might find people who are also in the same situation as you and this will put your mind to ease that you are not the only one going through a rough patch.
Coronavirus Memes

Some people find comfort and peace in making fun about serious situations. This is the only way that they use to avoid panicking. Almost everyone has seen, received or sent coronavirus memes. Most of the memes are extremely hilarious and it is through memes that most people get to connect with the outside world. In addition to that, memes also help other people to know more about a topic or a situation. Many people attested that they knew nothing about coronavirus until they saw many funny memes streaming online. Memes help in keeping the people calm and passing time, preparing the people for the new reality of living with the new widespread disease. Take advantage of free social media platforms at this particular time because you will be able to connect with the outside world from the comfort of your home.
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