Holidays are the days when people set their work aside and rest. It is also stated by law, people do not have to work on this day. Many countries all over the world have public holidays. However, there are some countries with the most number of public holidays. Most of the time, these holidays are in the memory of historical events, religious celebrations, or due to a specific calendar. Therefore, most of these holidays take place at different times of the year. There are a number of countries with most holidays, some of which are:

The first country in the list is Cambodia with a total number of twenty-eight holidays every year. Most of the holidays in Cambodia are religious holidays and are related to these days. However, its calendar is not like any other as it is based on the movement of the moon. Also, the days of the sun take place. They give room for seasons on the days of the year. This means that the holidays do not fall on the same dates every year, but they change.
Sri Lanka

This is the second country with the most holidays i.e. 25 holidays. Sri Lanka has a mixed collection of known regions. Although many of the public holidays are for Buddhists, some also are for Hindu, Christian, Muslim, and Catholic beliefs. Moreover, employees who work on public holidays in Sri Lanka get double the normal price.

India follows closely with a total of 21 public holidays. It is a diverse land, and so it enjoys many festivals. However, there are three main holidays in India which are Independence Day, Republic Day, and Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday. These holidays take place on the 15th of August, the 26th of January, and the 2nd October respectively. With many regions of the country, there are other celebrations of other states and religious holidays. For example, Eid Al-Fitr, Diwali, Christmas, and many more.

Colombia has a total of 18 holidays out of which twelve are catholic holidays and six are civic holidays. Two of the most important holidays in Colombia are palm and Easter Sunday holidays. The civic holidays, also known as the secular holidays include Independence Day, Labor Day, and New Year’s Day. In addition to that, the Philippines also has 18 holidays in total per year.
Trinidad and Tobago

Just as Colombia and the Philippines, Trinidad, and Tobago also have a total of 18 holidays. Some of the important holidays there include New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Independence Day. All the eighteen holidays have an importance to the people.

China has a total of 17 holidays that are full of color and this is very theatrical. There are different festivals in China. Some of these festivals and holidays include the New Year, the Chinese New Year, International Women’s Day, and International Workers Day. There are national minorities as well who have their specific holidays. For example, the Mongols practice the Water festival. The Tibetans also have the harvest festival, known as Vango, and the Uyghurs who practice Navruz.
Hong Kong

Hong Kong has holiday systems which are different from the ones in Main China. It is under a British colony and has special administration of the region of China. This has a huge influence in Hong Kong as it is a mix of the Eastern and Western cultures. This has made the people of Hong Kong celebrate some traditional Chinese practices and other western festivals.

Thailand has diverse religious and cultural practices. Every year, Thailand celebrates Thai events and festivals. There are also public holidays in the country. In Thailand, the government declares the holidays, whereas the Bank of Thailand declares bank holidays. Thailand has a total of 16 holidays for the public sectors. However, in the private sector, there’s a total of 13 holidays for the whole year. The New Year in Thailand is on the 1st of January. It marks the first day of the calendar.

There are two types of holidays in turkey. First, the holidays decided by the government and fall on the same dates every year. Second, those that are religious days and change yearly according to the lunar calendar. Some National holidays are also in Turkey include Labor Day, victory day, sports day, and republic day. The religious festivals in Turkey are Ramadan and Eids.

Just like other countries, Pakistan has quite a number of holidays and celebrations. Pakistan celebrates according to the Gregorian or the Islamic calendar. An example of such a religious holiday there is Eid. Whereas holidays according to the Gregorian calendar include International Labor Day and Pakistan day. Also, there are global holidays regarded as non-working public holidays in Pakistan. A good example of such a holiday is Ashura.
There are many places around the world where you can travel to spend your day. Before you go for holidays in a different country, look for info weeks prior to the day of travel. This allows you to know about your stay, meal plans, and even culture. People have religious holidays as part of their culture. Most of these holidays fall on different dates and months of the year.
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